This is a challenging Centrefire match in which drawing from the holster and a minimum power factor of 120 is involved.
There is a less rigorous version of this match known as Service Pistol Unrestricted, and this is the more popular version. The Unrestricted match may be shot from the 'ready' position, and there is no restriction on power factor. Shooters without holster qualifications must shoot the Unrestricted match.
NO optical sights are permitted in these matches and the weight of the trigger pull must be at least 1360 grams. Self-loading pistols or Revolvers are permitted, with minimum barrel length being 100 mm for revolvers and 120 mm for self loaders (semi-autos).
Competitors must undertake a competency and holster safety test before being permitted to compete in the Service Pistol event.
This event consists of ninety rounds divided into a number of timed sequences and over various distances. (Note that the distances are quoted in ‘yards’ not ‘metres’).
The targets are the old ‘oval’ Rapid-Fire targets, with each shooter having four targets, numbered one to four (left to right) to fire at. The 10 ring is 10cm wide by 20cm high, with the entire target scoring out of the 6 ring, and measures 45cm wide by 80cm high.
50 yards
The first stage is shot at fifty yards and is limited to two minutes 45 seconds. In the first part the shooter must lie prone and fire 6 shots on target 4, reload, assume the sitting or kneeling position and fire 6 shots on target 3, reload, from the right hand barricade fire 6 shots on target 2, reload, then, with the pistol in the left hand, from the left hand barricade, fire 6 shots on target 1 and unload.
25 yards
The second stage is shot over a distance of twenty-five yards and has a total of thirty-six rounds in it. The first timed series is 15 seconds in which to fire the next six rounds on the right side of the barricade (T4). The second series is the same except from the left side of the barricade (T3). The final series is a total of twelve shots, this time, 6 shots from each side of the barricade with reloading in the middle. 35 seconds is allowed for this final series.
(T1 and T2)
After the targets are scored, another twelve rounds are shot from the twenty five yard distance. First three shots each at targets 1 and 2 in 6 seconds, then 2 shots each at targets 2, 3, and 4 in 6 seconds. This section is shot standing free from the barricade.
10 Yards
This is shot using both the right and the left hands supported and unsupported. The stage involves having to fire off six rounds in only four seconds. (T4). The second part is harder, having to fire 3 rounds from each hand, using one hand only, in 8 seconds. Then, (using both hands) shooting 3 shots each at targets 1 and 2 in just 4 seconds.
7 Yards
In the last stage the shooter is only 7 yards away from the target and must fire off twelve rounds in fifteen seconds. This must be done instinctively, that is the pistol is not to be held above shoulder height (no aiming), and reloading after the first six shots. (Targets 1 and 2).
This event generally has the shooters moving down the range towards the target at specified distances, leaving them exposed to the weather conditions and often having to deal with changing light and glare on the sights. (Ants can also be a problem when lying down at the 50-yard stage!)
900 is a perfect score, and 870 is good shooting.
Shot on alternating Saturday and Sunday mornings